Ventura Street is the First Emo Store. Don’t take it like a place where you can sell blood or just like another US Hot Topic. I got this in my mind: emo music is not that bloody. I love the emo scene from the 70’s/80’s and that’s all about it. It’s a Music/Skateboard store, it’s the first one that sells those items all together with clothing, merchandising, instruments, local bands cd, vinyls, magazines and book, foreign and not. It’s quite funny coz my brother is actually the owner and he opened it here and there’s no mentality about these things. Some people still come in and they look at all those skateboards and say “damn I never saw a skateboard in my whole life”and they’r just my age it’s gonnabe a radical change hopefully! I do believe in this store we’re gonna do lots of promotion..I bet you’re gonna hear more about it in the future. We called it Ventura Street coz near L.A. there’s this county called Ventura and its got a street with the same name…it’s the one where all the kids skate and it’s the one that takes you to the beach, since our last name is Ventura we just honoured the city! You can check this site, you’ll find further information...

venerdì 26 novembre 2010
giovedì 25 novembre 2010
Sugar-coated barbed wire: who's that girl in WeHo?-part 1

She's a genius! She's creative! She's a rebel! She's a musician! She's a movie-holic AND a musicholic. Welcome to Ventura Street, West Hollywood, where Ellen Page is a punk rocker and Thora Birch is a skater girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much I really appreciate it…that means the world to me.
I guess everything around me got into my songs, especially when I was younger, basically it was a cool way to escape from all of that, a way to create my own world and music was and is the most natural way I know.
Musically speaking my family was not into anything in particular…they were and are like whatever about music. Just my brother was the only one that got me into Alanis first album, such a classic, and way before that well it was all about me, since I didn’t have anything like internet I got the chance to first find out some cool acts just right before I turned 7 through some well known Italian magazines and, going backwards, I started humming some melodies that came to my mind since I was not happy with some songs on tv so that’s how it all started. If I should answer right away what really influenced my songs and all, well I’m not quite sure, it’s one of those hard questions…but I can tell you what kept me going on this…just a promise I did to myself and I’m a promise keeper!
Yeah well as right now I’m in Italy but my mind and heart are just right in West Hollywood. It’s so weird how you can so fall for a place (giggles).
Well it all started 3 years ago I was 19 when I left school just right one month before my graduation with no destination ahead, no future at all, a few months later I was in the States so I first went to Lafayette, In to record a 6 song-demo with Mass Giorgini (Anti Flag, The Ataris, Screeching Weasel, Squirtgun) and one year later I went to Venice Beach, CA, not knowing anyone, I rent a place for about one month and 3weeks and then I got to move to West Hollywood and there I met my future manager. I did some local shows, my life was basically spending lots of hours @ Amoeba and Arclight Cinema.. not a good way to cure my cd/vi nyl a nd movie addictio n!It was a blessing to actually get to do that…never got it for granted (giggles). I bought the best records there.
I came back to Italy after 3 months in L.A., and got back there in 2009. I got the chance to produce and mix some local artists and came back again in December 2009! Recently I started to write for a West Hollywood based Website “The Star Celeb”, I review albums and interview artists, one of them was Tamar Kaprelian, She recently played @ Hotel Cafè, I saw lots of shows there as well, and I got the chance to manage an Italian blog all about reviews, interviews and music news “Music Reviews 2.0”,I already reviewed Riccobellis, nasty cats, The Varsity Weirdos and more.
I wouldn’t call L.A. just an experience coz I really want to move there definitely, that’s my place and there’s nothing I can do about it…hopefully by next year I’ll get the chance to finally make it.
Mixtape For You is one of those selfish things that you do if you’re a music lover (giggles). I love to find out new bands and I see that lots of people don’t get that enough so I came up with this blog just to share some bands I love and believe in. Those are the bands that I’d like to work with someday! I know the punk/pop punk music scene right now got killed by the “hardcore emo” scene, and I don’t really like that…Kids have to know emo wouldn’t exist without punk! So yeah I love lots of music styles (‘50s, punk, indie, alternative, screamo, emo, garage) but the one I feel my heart and soul connected to is Punk/Popunk so Mxtp For You is there not to let you and let me forget that first punk music love. If you’ll ever see some indie band on is just coz I really fell for that band and when that happens my cd/vinyl addiction grows more. I’m starting to look for some cool guys that can help me on this blog…so if you’re reading this now just email me at
venerdì 19 novembre 2010
She's hot! She's smart! She's a punk! She's a model! She's a burlesque diva!!! She's a fashion designer!!!!She's far beyond the valley of cuties! She rocks!!! Ladies & gentlemen: FROSTINE SHAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Who’s in your personal top ten list of inspirational blonde icons, and why? Make us dream!!!
Mamie Van Doren- Now what a great combination of rock n roll and glamour all in one lady! Something about her sassy charm and rock n roll attitude makes her fit perfectly in the top 10 spots of blonde icons!
Brigitte Bardot -Where do I even being with Brigitte? I don’t think there has been a day in my life that goes by that I don’t listen to her records or look at photos of this born to be bombshell! She was the utter definition of blonde beauty! If my life had a soundtrack the credits would play “ Moi je joue”! A bath tub scene of course!
Lili St. Cyr.- Speaking of bath tub! You can’t even mention the term without thinking of the unbelievable St. Cyr and her LEGENDARY bath tub routine! Classic burlesque star and eye candy to all lili was a true strip tease artist and blonde eye candy to anyone with a pulse! If you have not seen this you need to look it up! She keeps the audience engaged in her performance and stunned with her striking beauty classic elegant demeanor.
Jayne Mansfield- JAYNE! If there is one woman on this list I would ever love to have a dinner party with it would be with Jayne Mansfield. Her fluffy sweet yet dangerous attitude is something I can defiantly relate to! Big, Blonde, Beautiful, and out of this world. Jayne Mansfield might have been from another planet.. I mean I respect any woman who gets a pink heart shaped bath tub installed in her bathroom and heart shaped pool this is something I see in my own future!
Yeah, that's right!!! Frostine Shake is the most iconic girl around! She's got style and attitude and an awesome combination of sex-appeal and brains (as well as a GREAT taste in music!!!). She's a dancer, a choreographer, a designer, a pure beauty and a pure talent. She's a punk homecoming queen and one of my personal icons!!!! Thank you for being you, Frostine Shake! The world is sexier when you're around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debbie Harry- The original Blondie!!!!! Musically outstanding and style to the boot! What a women! Her strength and beauty throughout the years of not changed one bit I hope to be just like her at her age!
France Gall-knee socks, blonde hair, great outfits and a voice to cure any sweet tooth, she’s France Gall! Need I say more?
Anita Ekberg- How does women this busty and beautiful even exist? Her legs went on for days... weeks... months... years!!!! I love how expressive she is when she acts, she’s is a true lady of her time and one of the most statuesque women to ever walk the earth!
Veronica Lake- The artist of who framed roger rabbit used Veronica Lake as muse for the sensual character Jessica rabbit, and can you blames them?! Her classic hair over one eye look is small detail that became timeless and well identified throughout history. With a very mysterious look to her she belongs on this list! I would say she is the more sultry side of me!
Edie Sedgwick- The girl in the Black tights! Popular tag line for the iconic young women that was Edie Sedgwick. While her life was cut short her style and eyelashes continue to live with many throughout the years. Eyeliner, Eyeliner and more eyeliner, oh yeah please don’t forget the mole on the side! Those big eyes and blonde hair could make anyone fall in love!
Mae West- Hands down Mae West was the most punk rock woman of her time. She had attitude and hourglass figure to match! This deadly combination is something I admire in a woman! She was never afraid to speak her mind. She had a way of being vulgar with class. She was a true women of vaudeville culture and Always had a mouth full to say.
I didn't discover curves; I only uncovered them. - Mae West
2) I can’t wait to attend one of your shows!!! How do you choose your amazing outfits???
3) If you were an actress and you should remake a “classic”, which one would you pick
"La Dolce Vita", for a night bath in the Trevi Fountain. If I could choose any film moment in history to live over and over again it would be the night bath scene!! I dream of this happening!!! But who knows? Dreams do come true!!! Right?
My upcoming line is this big secret I have only told my shadow!! But I will share some small hints of what there is to expect! OK let’s go! 1960s inspired but not strictly to the genre itself, there are modern influences and hints of 1920s structure. It’s a combination of the 60s go-go style with 1920s sophistication. Some selected pieces could even be considered wearable art work, but trust me you can wear it! Everything is the begging stages right now but progress is moving a lot faster than I expected! I am excited to show everyone my expression through fashion! I make most of my outfits! It starts with a song I hear… Then Ahh ha! This would be a great routine! So I choreography it beat by beat to make sure my hips hit every beat! Then the trouble! What will I take off? How I will I take it off? How will this zipper UN zip? Will I fall if I do this?! You see while the world is worried about what to wear for their next day at the office I think of how to take it off... It’s a true art! Basically what I am going to wear depends on how my routine is choreographed and how I can work it in to my dance. You can have all the feathers and rhinestones in the world but if you don’t got a solid routine it ain't nothing! While I do adore fancy costumes and sparkles, you will be surprised on how much a solid gold routine can take you even wearing a trash bag!
1) Who’s in your personal top ten list of inspirational blonde icons, and why? Make us dream!!!
Mamie Van Doren- Now what a great combination of rock n roll and glamour all in one lady! Something about her sassy charm and rock n roll attitude makes her fit perfectly in the top 10 spots of blonde icons!
Brigitte Bardot -Where do I even being with Brigitte? I don’t think there has been a day in my life that goes by that I don’t listen to her records or look at photos of this born to be bombshell! She was the utter definition of blonde beauty! If my life had a soundtrack the credits would play “ Moi je joue”! A bath tub scene of course!
Lili St. Cyr.- Speaking of bath tub! You can’t even mention the term without thinking of the unbelievable St. Cyr and her LEGENDARY bath tub routine! Classic burlesque star and eye candy to all lili was a true strip tease artist and blonde eye candy to anyone with a pulse! If you have not seen this you need to look it up! She keeps the audience engaged in her performance and stunned with her striking beauty classic elegant demeanor.
Jayne Mansfield- JAYNE! If there is one woman on this list I would ever love to have a dinner party with it would be with Jayne Mansfield. Her fluffy sweet yet dangerous attitude is something I can defiantly relate to! Big, Blonde, Beautiful, and out of this world. Jayne Mansfield might have been from another planet.. I mean I respect any woman who gets a pink heart shaped bath tub installed in her bathroom and heart shaped pool this is something I see in my own future!
Yeah, that's right!!! Frostine Shake is the most iconic girl around! She's got style and attitude and an awesome combination of sex-appeal and brains (as well as a GREAT taste in music!!!). She's a dancer, a choreographer, a designer, a pure beauty and a pure talent. She's a punk homecoming queen and one of my personal icons!!!! Thank you for being you, Frostine Shake! The world is sexier when you're around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debbie Harry- The original Blondie!!!!! Musically outstanding and style to the boot! What a women! Her strength and beauty throughout the years of not changed one bit I hope to be just like her at her age!
France Gall-knee socks, blonde hair, great outfits and a voice to cure any sweet tooth, she’s France Gall! Need I say more?
Anita Ekberg- How does women this busty and beautiful even exist? Her legs went on for days... weeks... months... years!!!! I love how expressive she is when she acts, she’s is a true lady of her time and one of the most statuesque women to ever walk the earth!
Veronica Lake- The artist of who framed roger rabbit used Veronica Lake as muse for the sensual character Jessica rabbit, and can you blames them?! Her classic hair over one eye look is small detail that became timeless and well identified throughout history. With a very mysterious look to her she belongs on this list! I would say she is the more sultry side of me!
Edie Sedgwick- The girl in the Black tights! Popular tag line for the iconic young women that was Edie Sedgwick. While her life was cut short her style and eyelashes continue to live with many throughout the years. Eyeliner, Eyeliner and more eyeliner, oh yeah please don’t forget the mole on the side! Those big eyes and blonde hair could make anyone fall in love!
Mae West- Hands down Mae West was the most punk rock woman of her time. She had attitude and hourglass figure to match! This deadly combination is something I admire in a woman! She was never afraid to speak her mind. She had a way of being vulgar with class. She was a true women of vaudeville culture and Always had a mouth full to say.
I didn't discover curves; I only uncovered them. - Mae West
3) If you were an actress and you should remake a “classic”, which one would you pick
"La Dolce Vita", for a night bath in the Trevi Fountain. If I could choose any film moment in history to live over and over again it would be the night bath scene!! I dream of this happening!!! But who knows? Dreams do come true!!! Right?
4) I know you’re a talented designer as well as an amazing dancer. Can you tell us something about your upcoming collection (I can’t wait to buy the whole range!!!)? And what’s on your “inspiration board”?
martedì 9 novembre 2010
neet magazine or the indie wishing well
When Vogue meets "Ghost World"
When Blythe gets nerdy and rioty...
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When Vogue meets "Ghost World"
When Blythe gets nerdy and rioty...
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